Mentors as Culture-creators: Fostering Inclusion and Belonging through the Mentoring Relationship, NRMN and AIM-AHEAD

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Created by Katie Stinson
Mon Jan 9, 2023

Event:  Webinar

Title:  Mentors as Culture-creators: Fostering Inclusion and Belonging through the Mentoring Relationship

Date/Time:  Wednesday, January 25, 2023 from 3-4p CT

Presenters & Panelists:

  • Dr. Mirabelle Fernandes Paul, Western University of Health Sciences

  • Dr. Linda Solis, University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

  • Dr. Alejandra Casillas, UCLA Health

  • TBD

About: Register now to attend the National Research Mentoring Network and AIM-AHEAD National Mentoring Month webinar panel discussion titled “Mentors as Culture-creators: Fostering Inclusion and Belonging through the Mentoring Relationship”. This discussion will focus on the aspects of mentoring pertaining to culture and awareness to promote a sense of belonging to those who may feel like outsiders in the STEMM fields. Our panelists will be Dr. Mirabelle Fernandes Paul, Western University of Health Sciences, Dr. Linda Solis, University of Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine, and Dr. Alejandra Casillas, UCLA Health. Drs Fernandes Paul and Solis collaborated to create the Unconscious Bias Course available in both MyNRMN and AIM-AHEAD Connect while Dr. Casillas is an MPI within the AIM-AHEAD program. This panel discussion will take place on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 from 3-4p CT and we encourage everyone to submit any questions or topics they would like discussed during the session.

Event registration ended on Jan 25, 2023